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More than 50 items are currently offered such as pots , flower boxes, baskets, sheets, stakes, substrates, decorating articles, acoustic panels, "floral walls" ... This is a pionnering activity, for horticulture, landscaping and domestic use.

A brief description of these natural products (without added latex).



-Pots ( off ground) the unique treatment of green coconut fibers allows to make flower pots with exceptional qualities holding capacity, excellent drainage, air control, temperature control, natural look ( holder for certh or plastic pots).


These characteristics are very favorable for plant development and growth.

-Coir Poles (Grow Sticks) their strength and natural look make them perfectly suitable for the production of climbing ornemental plants (philodendron) and are easily usable in pots and boxes of various sizes . Made in varius sizes e.g. 4x4x40 cm, 8x8x80 cm, 10x10x150 cm.

The Coco Verde products represent a major progree in environmental protectio, while offering as economic alternative and technical enhancement (e.g. no added latex).

To existing products. The environment is inproved thsough.

-The valorization of solid waste currently dumped.
-The use or of natural fibers, biodegradable after usage.
-The replacement of non biodegradable synthetic products ( PVC , polyurethanes, polystyrenes....) or de natural fibers from recently protected species ( e.g. xaxim or Dicksonia sellowiana) .
-The beautification of landscapes or interiors using products with a very natural look.
-An innovating process, performing and natural products, a large production capability, a promising social role and an evident contribution to the improvment of our environment these are many factors reinforcing the success of the Coco Verde Project.

We are developing the distribution of our products on international markets through large distributors.


The Coco Verde Project aims at valorizing the waste resulting from the consumption of green coconut (coco verde) water.

This valorization helps to get rid of bulky waste, while promoting the use of performing natural products to upgrade the urban and domestic environenment, and offering job opportunities to low qualified people.

The Coco Verde Project opens a cycle of waste valorization to natural technical products, offering na opportunity of social promotion and helping to beautify our environement.

The Coco Verde company sells green coconut water as a refreshing and energetic drink to urban consumers.Fibrous nut, once emptied, are a solid waste.


In a town like Rio de Janeiro, 600 tonnes/day of wast are collected into public dumps, where their decay will take more than 10 years . The estimated cost is R$ 130,00 per tonne of waste.

Economic valorization of this waste results from the physical treatment of these fibers with an innovating and exclusive process, to transform it into semi finished products (sheet , boards, mulch ....) or finished items (flower pots , stakes....)

Learn more about the Coco Verde Project on www.projetococoverde.com.br or contact us at

Rodovia Presidente Dutra nº 700 - Jardim América - CEP 21240-000
Rio de Janeiro - RJ -
Tel.: 5
5-(21) 3346 1030
55-(21) 3346 3560

Best Regard
Philippe J. H. Mayer
Gerência de Projetos e Negócios
(55) 21-3346 1030 direto
(55) 21-3346 3560 tele/fax
Rádio Nextel  55*46*18908


xaxim samambaia Açu látex Fibra de coco verde substrato de coco fibroso pó água de coco tutor tutores estaca palito hidroponia hydroponia carrinho quiosque gela coco gelacoco carrinho de coco furador meio ambiente Dicksonia sellowiana látex vaso de fibra vaso de coco vaso de xaxim divisória enraizamento filodendros philodendron filodendron paineis molduras biombos substrato agrícola Fibra da casca Vaso parede molduras CocoBrazil hidroponia cultivo hidropónico hydroponia ecologia ecológica vaso ecologico artezanato artesanato fibras de coco -Fibre de coco noit tuteur tuteurs mousse hydropony hydroponic environenment valorisation des déchets d'eau de noix de coco le paysage urbain plaques planches plaques acoustiques décorations d'interieur Jardin Vertical orchidées bromeliacées cachepot plantes ornementales ascendantes philodendron produit naturel et biodegradable pot à suspendre Scindapsus plante d'intérieur racines aériennes atmosphère tropicale L'entretien feuillage Pots écologiques Pots à suspension Pots de décoration - Coir Fibers coconut stacks substrates hydroponic coir poles green coconut Grow Sticks totem environenment flower boxes baskets sheets made decorating articles acoustic panels floral walls natural fibers mulch pots furniture green products sheet boards indoor or outdoor orchids bromeliad Vertical garden green coconut fibers natural look plant development and growth production of climbing ornemental plants philodendron House Plant Supports Moss Poles are used to support gardener Sheets coir coir creep sticks Grass Basket Coir Yarn Basket POTPOURRIES Scindapsus Hang Plant, cut back Mos Pole Monstera deliciosa Philodendron erubescens "Red Emerald" Philodendron scandens Philodendon Cobra Schefflera arboricola "Compacta" Schefflera arboricola "Gold Capella" Anthurium Polyschistum "Tweed" Araceae tropical plant houseplan mosspole grows foliage plants growing growing environment-friendly potting fibres of coconuts good-looking plant artistic design Gardening interiorscape INTERIOR LANDSCAPING Hanging Baskets Artificial Trees Artificial Plants Landscape horticultural activities horticultural products Indoor growing Houseplant growing Garden Design Container-Indoor Growing How To garden center trellises artificial trees, palms, silk plants & flowers Carefree Green homes and businesses silk foliage plants Silk and Live plant interior landscaping designs Silk plant rental Green Coco Brights Silk Split details Our price drinkcoco drinkcoconut Containers Cocos nucifera coconut palm Pothos ivies, arrowhead vine, Swiss Cheese plant they will be even happier growing upward on a moss pole. green sheet moss sphagnum moss moss stick Spanish moss Green Coco-Fiber Liner - agua de pipa macetas Colgantes INVERNADERO horticultura y agricultura.Compost, Turba para maceta, Lana de roca, Fibra de coco Sustratos, Bambú, Manga de flor, Hilo, Ganchos de tomate, Cuchillo y Tijeras para cosecha derivados de la fibra maceteros tarrinas polvo de coco Orgánicos turba cortezas fibra de coco florvertical jardines PHILODENDRON POLE SILK PLANT Silk Orchid/pot,flowers,plant,plants BIG loving trees Greenhouses Flowerpots Garden Chimes Outdoor Living Pet Supplies Garden Centers Landscape Designers Landscape Plan - Kokosfasermatte Terrarium terrarienshops Xaximplatten Xaxim platten Jungle Planting Mat faser horticultural cocopeat kokos cocco Fasern vezels fibrer Scindapsus mosstok Scindapsus hangpot Scindapsus hangpot teruggeknipt hangplant groene potplanten mosstokken Schefflera Xaxim Farn Platte Reptile Terrarium Jungle Planting Mat SUBSTRATI COCCO Substrato naturale organico PH stabile, ottimo drenaggio, ben areato, trattiene l'umidità, ecologico e riciclabile La fibra di cocco VASO IN FIBRA DI COCCO La pianta fibra vegetale cocco, paglia, mista cocco e paglia l’aménagement écologique géotextiles backcovering of my Vivarium Xaxin Plates chachí manso chachí hembra tableau végétal tableaux végétaux soutenir tous types de plantes accesoires Pots pour orchidées Substrats pour orchidées plantes aromatiques mur de fleur Soins des orchidées accent furniture manufacturers and suppliers 2002 2003 2004 feira foire fiaflora hortitec ecococo frutal coleta seletiva iberflora fiaflora hortitec Foliage plants Cut flowers Cut decorative leaves Nursery stocks Tissue cultured plants Aquatic plants Floriculture related coir products such as coir briquettes, coir poles, coir basket liners, coir baskets, coir pots etc. indoor jungle Tetra tropica interzoo hagen aquariofilia aquáticas plaques de fougères IPM - International Trade Fair for Plants Plant Fair Essen JARDIN & PAYSAGE plantes épiphytes coco pannels Terrariums sial flower trade show woonbeurs Balanitum karstenianum , Dicksonia ghiesbreghtii , Dicksonia gigantea , Dicksonia karsteniana , Dicksonia lobularia , Dicksonia lobulata , Dicksonia navarrensis , Dicksonia sellowiana arachneosa , Dicksonia sellowiana karsteniana tratamento acustico tratamento termico isolamento acustico isolamento termico Isolamento Térmico e acústico limitador de grama lago artificial laguinho pisadas passeios caminhos bolachas piso placa acustica térmica placa de coco placa de fibra de coco Coconut Fiber Sheet, Coconut Coir, Coconut Powder, Betel Nut, Coconut Charcoal, Sea Grass, Totem Pole CoconutWay Tree Fern